ISSN 1509-9415 (print version)

ISSN 2084-0373 (electronic version)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

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Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Article in volume


M.S. Kish

Mehdi Sabet Kish

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


R.A. Borzooei

Rajab Ali Borzooei

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


S.H. Jabbari

Samad Haj Jabbari

Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


M.A. Kologani

Mona Aaly Kologani

Hatef Higher Education Institute
Zahedan, Iran



A note on Noetherian and Artinian hoops



Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications 44(1) (2024) 177-198

Received: 2021-07-19 , Revised: 2023-01-17 , Accepted: 2023-01-17 , Available online: 2023-06-05 ,


The aim of this paper is defining the concepts of Noetherian and Artinian hoops by using the filter of hoop in the partial order set of all the filters of hoops and inclusion relation and find some equivalent definitions for this notion. We translate some important results from theory of rings to the case of hoop and their characterizations are established. The relation between short exact sequence on Noetherian and Artinian hoop studied and by using short exact sequence we prove that the Cartesian product of two hoops is Noetherian (Artinian) if and only if each one is a Noetherian (Artinian). By using the notion of filter in hoops, we define the notion of composition series and prove any $\vee$-hoop is Noetherian and Artinian if and only if it has composition series. Finally, Chinese Remainder theorem in hoop and the relation between maximal filter and Noetherian (Artinian) hoop are investigated.


hoop, Noetherian hoop, Artinian hoop, filter, Chinese reminder, composition series


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